爱尔兰的高尔威市获得了国家医疗技术奖, Galway, Ireland, sweeps Medtech National Awards, highlighting local innovation and industry.
爱尔兰Galway以美科技国家奖为主,几家当地公司和Galway大学荣获最高荣誉。 Galway, Ireland, dominated the Medtech National Awards, with several local companies and the University of Galway taking home top honors. Freudenberg医疗公司专门从事心脏活动测量设备,被命名为国际年美科技公司,并获得国际年美科技伙伴/供应商奖。 Freudenberg Medical, specializing in heart activity measurement devices, was named Medtech Company of the Year and also won the Medtech Partner/Supplier of the Year Award. Galenband因其中风预防装置荣获年度数字健康创新奖。 Galenband received the Digital Health Innovation of the Year Award for its stroke-preventing device. Galway大学赢得了与Medtronic公司的伙伴关系,Medtronic公司支持STEM的Medtech基础设施和多样性。 The University of Galway won for its partnership with Medtronic, which supports Medtech infrastructure and diversity in STEM. 这些奖项由爱尔兰医疗技术公司主办,突出了Galway对医学技术的重大贡献。 The awards, hosted by Irish Medtech, highlight Galway's significant contributions to medical technology.