Darragh暴风雨连根拔起一棵50英尺的山雀树,关闭了Norwich的Ipswich路,扰乱了公共汽车服务。 A 50ft beech tree uprooted by Storm Darragh closed Ipswich Road in Norwich, disrupting bus services.
一棵 50 英尺高的山毛榉树被强风连根拔起,关闭了城市学院附近诺里奇的伊普斯维奇路,并进行了改道。 A 50ft beech tree uprooted by strong winds has closed Ipswich Road in Norwich, near City College, with diversions in place. 达拉格风暴预计风速将达80米,道路将一直关闭,直到包括一个危险的50英尺支枝在内的树被扫清为止。 Storm Darragh is expected to bring winds up to 80mph, and the road will remain closed until the tree, including a dangerous 50ft branch, is cleared. 第一公共汽车服务36、36A和37被中断,环境局警告洪水风险。 First Bus services 36, 36A, and 37 are disrupted, and the Environment Agency warns of flood risks.