中国驻肯尼亚大使着重介绍了四年来加强联系的情况,重点是基础设施项目和相互支持。 Chinese Ambassador to Kenya highlights four years of enhanced ties, focusing on infrastructure projects and mutual support.
中国驻肯尼亚大使周平健博士回顾了中国与肯尼亚之间四年加强关系的情况,重点介绍了内罗毕高速公路和蒙巴萨-奈瓦沙铁路等关键基础设施项目。 Chinese Ambassador to Kenya, Dr. Zhou Pingjian, reflected on four years of strengthened ties between China and Kenya, highlighting key infrastructure projects like the Nairobi Expressway and Mombasa-Naivasha railway. 在类似大流行病的危机期间,通过经济合作、文化交流和相互支持,这种关系得到了发展。 The relationship has grown through economic collaboration, cultural exchanges, and mutual support during crises like the pandemic. Zhou对中国-肯尼亚友谊的未来表示感谢和乐观。 Zhou expressed gratitude and optimism for the future of China-Kenya friendship.