CCDEDI要求市议会在交易商面临驱逐后对Kamba市场的未来保持透明。 CDEDI demands city council transparency on Kamba Market's future after traders face eviction.
由于商人收到驱逐通知, 民主与经济发展倡议中心 (CDEDI) 正在向布兰泰尔市议会提出有关坎巴市场未来的详细信息. The Center for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) is pressing the Blantyre City Council for details on Kamba Market's future after traders received eviction notices. CDEDI要求解释市场城市规划状况、投资者选择以及目前的贸易商如何参与决策。 Using the Access to Information Act, CDEDI demands explanations on the market's city plan status, investor selection, and how current traders were involved in decisions. 他们设定了答复的七天期限,突出强调了透明度和问责制的必要性。 They set a seven-day deadline for a response, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability.