亚特兰大警方为证交会锦标赛的比赛加强安保, 等待大批群众的到来。 Atlanta police boost security for the SEC Championship game, expecting large crowds.
亚特兰大警方正在加强佐治亚州和得克萨斯州之间SEC锦标赛的安全,部署12小时轮班、战略巡逻和空军部队。 Atlanta police are enhancing security for the SEC Championship game between Georgia and Texas, deploying officers for 12-hour shifts, strategic patrols, and air units. 建议粉丝使用公共交通工具,不要在汽车中留下贵重物品,并举报可疑活动。 Fans are advised to use public transport, not leave valuables in cars, and report suspicious activity. 这场比赛预计会吸引大批民众, 也预计会促进当地企业兴起, The game, expected to draw large crowds, is also projected to boost local businesses with out-of-town visitors spending on food, drinks, and lodging.