Acsress Archana Puran Singh在Netflix的《伟大的印度Kapil秀》上与宝莱坞偶像Rekha分享了记忆。 Actress Archana Puran Singh shared memories with Bollywood icon Rekha on Netflix's "The Great Indian Kapil Show."
Acsress Archana Puran Singh分享了她与宝莱坞偶像Rekha的相遇回忆, Actress Archana Puran Singh shared memories of her encounter with Bollywood icon Rekha on the streaming show "The Great Indian Kapil Show." Rekha在节目第二季露面, 回想起她的化妆技巧和在谈话中神秘的“HE”提法。 Rekha, appearing in the show's second season, recalled her makeup tips and a mysterious "HE" reference during their conversation. 从小就崇拜Rekha的Puran Singh在社交媒体上庆祝其会议并分享照片, Puran Singh, who has admired Rekha since childhood, celebrated their meeting and shared photos on social media, encouraging others to chase their dreams. 这个节目的主角是宝莱坞明星, 在Netflix上播放的节目。 The show, featuring Bollywood stars, airs on Netflix.