西弗吉尼亚登山者在12月17日的Scooter Frisco咖啡碗中面对孟菲斯猛虎队。 West Virginia Mountaineers face Memphis Tigers in the Scooter's Coffee Frisco Bowl on Dec. 17.
西弗吉尼亚山地人将面对"诺" The West Virginia Mountaineers will face the No. 12 月 17 日,25 名孟菲斯老虎队在德克萨斯州弗里斯科的丰田体育场举行的 Scooter's Coffee Frisco Bowl 比赛中。 25 Memphis Tigers in the Scooter's Coffee Frisco Bowl on December 17 at Toyota Stadium in Frisco, Texas. Neal Brown被开除后 由临时教练Chad Scott领导 登山者们有6 -6的记录 The Mountaineers, led by interim coach Chad Scott after Neal Brown's dismissal, have a 6-6 record. 孟菲斯队以10-2的成绩, 打算在教练瑞安·西尔弗菲尔德的带领下连续第二个10胜的赛季. Memphis, with a 10-2 record, is aiming for its second straight 10-win season under coach Ryan Silverfield. 比赛将于晚上9点在ESPN上播放。 The game will be broadcast on ESPN at 9 p.m. ET。 ET.