UK封锁津巴布韦回归英联邦, 指出需要改善治理和人权。 UK blocks Zimbabwe’s return to Commonwealth, citing need for governance and human rights improvements.
联合王国阻止津巴布韦申请重新加入英联邦,认为该国必须首先改善其治理和人权。 The UK has blocked Zimbabwe's bid to rejoin the Commonwealth, arguing that the country must first improve its governance and human rights. 这一行动与英联邦秘书处关于津巴布韦重新接纳的建议相矛盾。 This move contradicts the Commonwealth Secretariat's recommendation for Zimbabwe's readmission. 联合王国呼吁对津巴布韦2025年的进展进行后续评估,重点放在民主和人权等领域,强调在重新加入国际组织之前必须进行改革。 The UK has called for a follow-up assessment of Zimbabwe's progress in 2025, focusing on areas like democracy and human rights, highlighting the need for reforms before rejoining the international organization.