RU 稀有金属在纽芬兰发现高品位的黄金,并计划根据有前途的样品进一步钻探。 TRU Precious Metals finds high-grade gold in Newfoundland, planning further drilling based on promising samples.
RU 稀有金属公司在纽芬兰金玫瑰项目的岩石样本中发现了高品位的金子。 TRU Precious Metals Corp. discovered high-grade gold in rock samples from its Golden Rose Project in Newfoundland. 在维多利亚湖北岸沿15米长地带取样发现,47个样本中有22个样本的黄金等级高于0.1克/吨,其中8个超过30克/吨,4个超过100克/吨。 Sampling along a 15-meter strip on Lake Victoria's north shore revealed 22 out of 47 samples with gold grades over 0.1 g/t, including eight above 30 g/t and four over 100 g/t. 该公司计划利用这些调查结果指导钻探工作,并进一步评估该项目的矿化潜力。 The company plans to use these findings to guide drilling and further assess the project's mineralization potential.