一名青少年死亡,另一名在堪萨斯州迈阿密农村县被捕,调查正在进行中。 Teen dies, another arrested in rural Miami County, Kansas, with investigation ongoing.
一名青少年死亡,另一名于星期三清晨在堪萨斯州迈阿密县靠近Hillsdale仓库的农村地区被拘留。 A teenager died and another was taken into custody early Wednesday morning in a rural area of Miami County, Kansas, near the Hillsdale Reservoir. 紧急机组人员对现场作出反应,发现该青少年死亡。 Emergency crews responded to the scene, where they found the teenager deceased. 迈阿密县治安官办公室正在调查这一事件,进一步详情尚待进一步说明。 The Miami County Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident, and further details are pending.