Tampa的科学和工业博物馆计划在2025年开放美国第二大天文馆。 Tampa's Museum of Science and Industry plans to open the U.S.'s second-largest planetarium in 2025.
坦帕科学和工业博物馆计划在2025年重新开放其以前的IMAX剧院,作为美国第二大天文馆。 The Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa plans to reopen its former IMAX theater as the second-largest planetarium in the U.S. in 2025. 新的数字穹顶剧场将配有10台数字投影机和8K技术,为300多人提供沉浸式360度体验和座位。 The new Digital Dome Theater will feature 10 digital projectors with 8K technology, providing immersive 360-degree experiences and seating for over 300 people. 该项目有待建设和筹资,目的是加强STEM教育,并提供各种内容,包括明星节目和360度电影。 The project, pending construction and fundraising, aims to enhance STEM education and offer a variety of content including star shows and 360-degree movies.