研究将抑郁症的高遗传风险与妇女心脏病风险的增加联系起来。 Study links high genetic risk for depression to increased heart disease risk in women.
昆士兰大学的研究人员发现,患有抑郁症的遗传风险较高的妇女更有可能患心脏病,而不论其抑郁症诊断或药物使用如何。 Researchers from the University of Queensland found that women with a high genetic risk for depression are more likely to develop heart disease, regardless of their depression diagnosis or medication use. 这项研究分析了300 000多人的数据,表明这种联系在妇女中比男子强,不能用传统风险因素,如BMI或吸烟来解释。 The study, analyzing data from over 300,000 people, showed this link is stronger in women than men and cannot be explained by traditional risk factors like BMI or smoking. 这突出表明需要采取有针对性的办法来了解妇女的心脏病。 This highlights the need for tailored approaches in understanding heart disease in women.