明尼苏达州52号公路的一辆半卡车被强风撞击,两名乘客受伤。 Strong winds knocked over a semi-truck on Highway 52 in Minnesota, injuring its two occupants.
一辆半卡车载有一名来自芝加哥的28岁的司机和一名来自伊利诺伊州瓦乌凯甘的34岁的乘客,在明尼苏达州和谐市附近的52号公路上被强风击落。 A semi-truck carrying a 28-year-old driver from Chicago and a 34-year-old passenger from Waukegan, Illinois, was knocked over by strong winds on Highway 52 near Harmony, Minnesota. 这次坠机被归类为受伤事故,于下午1时20分左右发生。 The crash, classified as an injury incident, occurred around 1:20 PM. 明尼苏达州巡逻队、Fillmore县警长办公室、和谐消防和救护车以及明尼苏达州交通部等当局对现场作出了反应。 Authorities including the Minnesota State Patrol, Fillmore County Sheriff's Office, Harmony Fire and Ambulance, and Minnesota Department of Transportation responded to the scene. 关于受伤程度的细节尚未披露。 Details on the extent of injuries have not been disclosed.