科学家创造了曼塔射线启发的软机器人 以创纪录的速度游泳 协助海洋研究 Scientists create manta ray-inspired soft robot that swims at record speed, aiding ocean research.
北卡罗来纳州立大学的研究人员开发了一个由曼塔射线启发的软机器人,其速度达到每秒6.8个体长,几乎是以前模型速度的两倍。 Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a soft robot inspired by manta rays that achieves a speed of 6.8 body lengths per second, nearly doubling the speed of previous models. 机器人模仿芒塔射线的游泳运动, 利用空气室控制其鳍, 使水中能高效垂直移动。 The robot mimics manta rays' swimming motion by using an air chamber to control its fins, enabling efficient vertical movement in the water. 这一创新可以推进海洋研究、环境监测和水下救援任务的应用。 This innovation could advance applications in ocean research, environmental monitoring, and underwater rescue missions. 现在团队正在努力提高它的横向运动和整体性能. The team is now working on enhancing its lateral movement and overall performance.