滚石号发射他们的首次香味,RS No. 价格为99.99美元, 限量999瓶. The Rolling Stones launch their first fragrance, RS No. 9, priced at $99.99 for a limited 999 bottles.
滚石乐队,摇滚名人堂乐队,发布了他们的第一款香水,RS No。 The Rolling Stones, a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame band, have released their first-ever fragrance, RS No. 9, 与Nirvana Brands和Bravado合作。 9, in collaboration with Nirvana Brands and Bravado. 一个100毫升的瓶子价格为99.99美元。 1962年伦敦的索霍(Soho)所启发的限量迷幻气味,999个瓶子有999个编号。 Priced at $99.99 for a 100ml bottle, the limited-edition scent, inspired by London's Soho in 1962, is available in 999 numbered bottles. 它具有波旁威士忌、皮革、麝香、广藿香和沉香木的味道。 It features bourbon, leather, musk, patchouli, and oud notes. 香味可在RS No.C.C.购买。 The fragrance can be purchased at RS No. 伦敦和东京有9家商店,或网上预先订购,从1月31日起发货。 9 stores in London and Tokyo, or preordered online, with shipping starting on January 31.