研究人员通过笔迹分析,将拜占庭画家曼努埃尔·潘塞利诺斯确定为伊奥尼斯·阿斯特拉帕斯。 Researchers identify Byzantine painter Manuel Panselinos as Ioannis Astrapas through handwriting analysis.
研究者可能已经通过确定拜占庭画家曼努埃尔·潘塞利诺斯(Manuel Panselinos)的真实身份 解决了一个几百年之久的谜题, 吉奥托的当代人。 Researchers may have solved a centuries-old mystery by identifying the true identity of Byzantine painter Manuel Panselinos, a contemporary of Giotto. 专家克里斯蒂娜·索蒂拉科格卢在巴黎对一份700年前的手稿进行了手写分析,该手稿与教堂绘画上的信相匹配,表明潘塞利诺斯实际上是来自塞萨洛尼基的画家伊奥尼斯·阿斯特拉帕斯。 Handwriting analysis on a 700-year-old manuscript in Paris by expert Christina Sotirakoglou matched letters with those on a church painting, suggesting that Panselinos was actually Ioannis Astrapas, a painter from Thessaloniki. 这一发现将拜占庭艺术中的两个重要人物联系起来,这两个人物以混合古典和东正教风格而闻名。 This discovery links two significant figures in Byzantine art, known for blending classical and Orthodox styles.