习近平主席推动中国军方的反腐败努力和现代科技。 President Xi Jinping pushes anti-corruption efforts and modern tech in China's military.
中国主席习近平强调,在军队内部打击腐败和加强信息战能力十分重要。 Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed the importance of combating corruption and enhancing information warfare capabilities within the military. 自去年以来,中国军方一直在开展反腐败运动,导致数名高级官员被撤职。 Since last year, China's military has been undergoing an anti-corruption campaign, leading to the removal of several high-ranking officials. 习近平还敦促发展一支现代化的信息支持部队,以改善军事网络和作战能力。 Xi also urged the development of a modernized information support force to improve the military's network and combat capabilities.