俄勒冈州看到鹿的缠绕激增; 俄勒冈州妇女办公室敦促更安全的庭院装饰保护野生生物。 Oregon sees surge in deer entanglements; ODFW urges safer yard decorations to protect wildlife.
俄勒冈的鹿的纠缠正在上升,特别是在节假日, 这是因为灯光和吊床在院子里。 Deer entanglements in Oregon are rising, especially during the holiday season, due to items like lights and hammocks in yards. 俄勒冈州鱼类和野生动物部 (ODFW) 敦促居民保持院子整洁,装饰品至少 8 英尺高,以防止鹿被缠住,这可能会阻碍他们的视线和呼吸。 The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) urges residents to keep yards clear, with decorations at least 8 feet high, to prevent deer from getting entangled, which can obstruct their vision and breathing. 今年,ODFW接到113个关于受困野生动物的电话,90个电话涉及鹿的纠缠。 ODFW received 113 calls about distressed wildlife this year, with 90 involving deer entanglements. 建议居民联系ODFW, 而不是试图释放困在其中的鹿. Residents are advised to contact ODFW instead of attempting to free entangled deer.