由于对化石燃料的依赖,新斯科舍省在加拿大能源效率排名中下降到第五位。 Nova Scotia drops to fifth in Canada’s energy efficiency rankings due to fossil fuel dependency.
由于加拿大继续依赖化石燃料,特别是煤炭,新斯科舍省在加拿大能源效率排名中从第二位下降到第五位。 Nova Scotia has fallen from second to fifth place in Canada's energy efficiency rankings due to its continued reliance on fossil fuels, particularly coal. 该省对净零标准采用了经改进的建筑法规和财政激励措施,但报告建议需要进一步改进,例如赋予能源委员会权力,为大型建筑制定更严格的能效标准。 The province has introduced improved building codes and financial incentives for net-zero standards, but the report suggests further improvements are needed, such as giving the energy board the power to set stricter energy efficiency standards for large buildings.