尼日利亚参议院通过法案,设立高级警察培训机构,提高专业水平。 Nigerian Senate passes bill to create advanced police training institutions, boosting professionalism.
尼日利亚参议院通过了一项法案,为尼日利亚警察部队建立正式的培训机构。 The Nigerian Senate has passed a bill to establish formal training institutions for the Nigerian Police Force. 该立法旨在通过将现有机构转变为高级别培训中心来提高警务人员的能力和专业水平。 The legislation aims to improve the capacity and professionalism of police personnel by transforming existing institutions into high-level training centers. 它还将利用法律和财政资源解决当前的问题,确保警察部队得到更好的支持和动力。 It will also address current issues with legal and financial resources, ensuring better support and motivation for the police force.