Joey Lawrence和Samantha Cope 最近离婚了 和解了 现在寻求他们女儿的共同监护权 Joey Lawrence and Samantha Cope, recently divorced, reconciled and now seek joint custody of their daughter.
8月提出离婚的Joey Lawrence和Samantha Cope据报已和解。 Joey Lawrence and Samantha Cope, who filed for divorce in August, have reportedly reconciled. 分享女儿Dylan(Dylan)的一对夫妇, 一起在节日电影《结婚圣诞》(Marry Christmas)中亮相, 一直在社交媒体上张贴亲切照片。 The couple, who share a daughter, Dylan, and star together in the holiday film "Marry Christmas," have been posting affectionate photos on social media. Lawrence对Cope表示感谢和爱,Cope最初只寻求女儿的监护权,但后来又修正了她请求共同法律监护权的请愿书。 Lawrence expressed his gratitude and love for Cope, who had initially sought sole custody of their daughter but later amended her petition to request joint legal custody.