印度对德里-蒙拜高速公路项目缺陷的4个承包商采取了行动。 India takes action against four contractors for flaws in the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway project.
联盟部长尼廷·加德卡里宣布,将针对德里-蒙拜高速公路施工中发现缺陷的4名承包商采取严厉行动。 Union Minister Nitin Gadkari announced that strict action will be taken against four contractors for deficiencies found in the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway construction. 来自国际IT公司Kharagpur和甘地纳加的专家指出了这些问题。 Experts from IIT Kharagpur and Gandhinagar identified these issues. 高速公路是该国最长和最昂贵的道路项目,它将德里和孟买之间的交通距离缩短了200公里,将旅行时间缩短到12小时。 The expressway, the country's longest and costliest road project, has reduced travel distance between Delhi and Mumbai by 200 km, cutting travel time to 12 hours.