Google在Android上的铬现在以定制的建筑和优化方式,以80%的速度加载网页。 Google's Chrome on Android now loads pages up to 80% faster with tailored builds and optimizations.
Google提升了Chrome在Android上的性能,使其成为最快的浏览器,在强大的设备上速度增长高达80%。 Google has enhanced Chrome's performance on Android, making it the fastest browser, with speed increases of up to 80% on powerful devices. 这些改进来自为特定装置专门设计的建筑、优化的JavaScript和网络制造引擎,以及与Qalcomm等硬件伙伴更好的合作。 The improvements come from tailored builds for specific devices, optimized JavaScript and web rendering engines, and better collaboration with hardware partners like Qualcomm. 这使得用户的页数负荷更快,互动更顺畅。 This results in faster page loads and smoother interactions for users.