GigaDevice的汽车闪存产品获得ISO 26262认证,确保车辆安全和可靠性。 GigaDevice's automotive flash memory products earn ISO 26262 certification, ensuring vehicle safety and reliability.
GigaDevice是一家半导体公司,已获得ISO 26262:2018 ASIL D认证,以取得其GD25/55 SPI NOR Flash汽车-Grade产品大家庭的认证。 GigaDevice, a semiconductor company, has received ISO 26262:2018 ASIL D certification for its GD25/55 SPI NOR Flash Automotive-Grade Product Family. 这一认证确保汽车电子设备的安全和可靠性,这对车辆运营至关重要。 This certification ensures the safety and reliability of automotive electronics, crucial for vehicle operation. 该产品系列符合AEC-Q100 1级标准,支持各种运作电压和能力,加强汽车数据的完整性和安全性。 The product line meets AEC-Q100 Grade 1 standards and supports various operating voltages and capacities, enhancing automotive data integrity and safety.