4人在Conn的Norwalk发生火灾后住院治疗,所有居民现在都流离失所。 Four people were hospitalized after a fire in Norwalk, Conn., with all residents now displaced.
4人在康涅狄格州诺沃克(Norwalk)一家住宅发生火灾后住院, Four people were hospitalized after a fire at a home in Norwalk, Connecticut, on Wednesday around 5:30 PM. 消防员救出被困在家中的两个人,在30分钟内灭火。 Firefighters rescued two individuals who were trapped inside the home, and the fire was extinguished within 30 minutes. 3人接受了吸入烟雾的治疗,1人接受了评估。 Three people were treated for smoke inhalation, and one was taken for evaluation. 火灾的起因正在调查之中,所有4名居民现在都流离失所。 The cause of the fire is under investigation, and all four residents are now displaced.