在Gosford办公大楼发生爆炸和火灾;通缉嫌疑人,街道封闭。 Explosions and fire at Gosford office buildings; a suspect is sought, streets closed.
警方正在调查澳大利亚Gosford两座办公楼的爆炸和火灾,除了一名因吸入烟雾而接受治疗的54岁雇员外,没有报告有严重受伤。 Police are investigating explosions and a fire at two office buildings in Gosford, Australia, with no serious injuries reported except for a 54-year-old employee treated for smoke inhalation. 一名60多岁时被描述为矮胖的男子因火灾和爆炸被通缉。 A man, described as short and chubby in his 60s, is sought in connection with the fire and explosions. 据报告,嫌疑人全身穿黑色,包括面罩。 The suspect was reportedly wearing all black, including a face covering. Donnison街仍然关闭,当局正在敦促人们避开该地区。 Donnison Street remains closed, and authorities are urging people to avoid the area.