德里议会议长Ram Niwas Goel(76岁)以年龄为由从选举政治中退休。 Delhi's Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel, 76, retires from electoral politics, citing age.
德里议会议长Ram Niwas Goel(76岁)在致AAP领袖Arvind Kejriwal的信中以年龄为由宣布退出选举政治。 Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel, 76, announced his retirement from electoral politics, citing his age, in a letter to AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal. Goel自2015年以来一直在服务,计划继续支持该党。 Goel, who has served since 2015, plans to continue supporting the party. 在他任职期间,大会处理了1 095个问题,提出了19份委员会的报告,并通过了26项法案。 During his tenure, the assembly addressed 1,095 questions, tabled 19 committee reports, and passed 26 Bills. 第七届德里立法议会本周任期结束,定于2025年2月举行选举。 The Seventh Delhi Legislative Assembly concluded its term this week, with elections scheduled for February 2025.