Danny Jordaan因滥用Safa基金而面临欺诈指控,其案件推迟到12月10日。 Danny Jordaan faces fraud charges for misusing Safa funds, with his case postponed until Dec 10.
南非足球协会(Safa)主席Danny Jordan和两名同案被告正在争取他们的欺诈案被驳回。 Danny Jordaan, president of the South African Football Association (Safa), and two co-accused, are fighting to have their fraud case dismissed. 他们被控滥用Safa的R130万卢比资金。 They are charged with misusing R1.3 million of Safa funds. 这三人在棕榈岭治安法院出庭,保释金为R20,000,案件推迟到12月10日。 The trio, who appeared in Palm Ridge Magistrate's Court, are out on R20,000 bail, with the case postponed until December 10. 各政党以 Safa 内部的治理问题为由,呼吁 Jordaan 下台。 Political parties have called for Jordaan to step down, citing governance issues within Safa.