美国航空公司与花旗合作十年,结束了巴克莱信用卡交易。 American Airlines partners with Citi for a decade, ending its Barclays credit card deal.
美国航空公司扩大了与花旗集团的伙伴关系,从2026年开始,使花旗公司成为今后十年的唯一信用卡发行人。 American Airlines has extended its partnership with Citigroup, making Citi its sole credit card issuer for the next ten years, starting in 2026. 这一举动结束了与巴克莱斯长达十年的伙伴关系,花旗公司接管了巴克莱斯美国航空公司共同品牌的卡片投资组合和过渡卡片持有者。 This move ends a decade-long partnership with Barclays, with Citi taking over Barclays' American Airlines co-branded card portfolio and transitioning cardholders. 这项交易可望提高忠诚和奖励效益,对美国航空公司至关重要,美国航空公司去年从这种伙伴关系中赚取56亿美元。 The deal is expected to enhance loyalty and rewards benefits and is crucial for American Airlines, which generated $5.6 billion from such partnerships in the past year.