身陷塞拉利昂的津巴布韦人因从事假工作而成为人口贩运的受害者, Zimbabweans stranded in Sierra Leone after falling victim to human trafficking for false jobs.
40多名津巴布韦人在受到人口贩运辛迪加虚假的工作承诺的引诱后,被困在塞拉利昂。 Over 40 Zimbabweans are stranded in Sierra Leone after being lured by false job promises from a human trafficking syndicate. 7名受害者已经返回家园,但其他人仍然被困住,当局努力争取释放他们并调查辛迪加。 Seven victims have returned home, but the rest remain trapped, with authorities working to secure their release and investigate the syndicate. 津巴布韦政府还参与促进所有受害者的返回。 The Zimbabwean government is also involved in facilitating the return of all victims.