WWE的世界重量级冠军GUNTHER 即将与该公司签订新的多年合同。 WWE's World Heavyweight Champion GUNTHER is nearing a new multi-year contract with the company.
WWW's世界重量级冠军GUNTHER, 37,据报接近与该公司签署一项新的多年期合同。 WWE's World Heavyweight Champion GUNTHER, 37, is reportedly close to signing a new multi-year contract with the company. GUNTHER,前身为 WALTER,自 2019 年以来在 WWE 取得了成功,包括破纪录的洲际锦标赛统治和最近的冠军卫冕。 GUNTHER, formerly known as WALTER, has had a successful run with WWE since 2019, including a record-breaking Intercontinental Championship reign and recent title defenses. WWE官员赞扬了他的表现和专业精神。 WWE officials have praised his performances and professionalism. 预计这项交易将于2024年底最后敲定。 The deal is expected to be finalized by the end of 2024.