威斯康星橄榄球失去了关键的外接手卡梅隆·米勒,他现在可能更喜欢肯塔基州。 Wisconsin football loses key wide receiver Cameron Miller, who may now favor Kentucky.
三星级外接手卡梅隆·米勒已从威斯康星大学退役,此举可能会使肯塔基野猫队受益,他们被视为签下他的热门人选。 Three-star wide receiver Cameron Miller has decommitted from the University of Wisconsin, a move that could benefit the Kentucky Wildcats, who are seen as favorites to sign him. 米勒的决定是在威斯康辛州员工的变动中作出的, 并可能促使巴杰人寻找新的招募机会。 Miller's decision comes amid changes in the Wisconsin staff and could prompt the Badgers to seek new recruiting opportunities. 威斯康星州只剩下一个承诺的 wide receiver 在早期签约期间之前. This shift leaves Wisconsin with only one committed wide receiver ahead of the early signing period.