威尔士妇女团队有资格参加第一场大型锦标赛,2025年欧元,击败爱尔兰2比1。 Wales' women's team qualifies for their first major tournament, Euro 2025, beating Ireland 2-1.
威尔士妇女足球队在赢得爱尔兰共和国冠军后,有资格参加第一次大型锦标赛,即2025年欧洲锦标赛。 Wales' women's football team has qualified for their first major tournament, Euro 2025, after winning against the Republic of Ireland. 都柏林的2比1胜利赢得了3比2的总赢,标志着一个具有历史意义的里程碑,激励了年轻运动员,增加了对妇女足球的支持。 The 2-1 victory in Dublin secured a 3-2 aggregate win, marking a historic milestone that has inspired young players and increased support for women's football. 在卡迪夫和都柏林举行的预选赛中,创纪录的观众人数突显了这项运动的日益普及,而球迷和球员,包括创纪录的射手杰斯·菲什洛克(Jess Fishlock),都庆祝这一成就,将其视为民族自豪感的源泉。 Record crowds at qualifier matches in Cardiff and Dublin highlight the growing popularity of the sport, while fans and players, including record goalscorer Jess Fishlock, have celebrated the achievement as a source of national pride.