Voodoo Doughnuts在12月10日打开了第一个西雅图地点,将20%的销售额捐给FareStart。 Voodoo Doughnuts opens its first Seattle location on Dec. 10, donating 20% of sales to FareStart.
Voodoo Doughnuts以其奇异和独特的供品闻名, 于12月10日上午8点在国会山开放其第一个西雅图地点。 Voodoo Doughnuts, known for its quirky and unique offerings, is opening its first Seattle location in Capitol Hill on December 10 at 8 a.m. 该店位于松树街1201号,其首日销售量的20%将捐给FareStart,并向前50名顾客提供独家礼品。 The shop, located at 1201 Pine Street, will donate 20% of its first day's sales to FareStart and offer exclusive gifts to the first 50 customers. 这是他们在华盛顿的第二家分店,也是在美国的第 22 家分店。Voodoo Doughnuts 将为已经熙熙攘攘的西雅图甜甜圈场景带来 40 多种口味,包括素食选择。 This marks their second location in Washington and the 22nd in the U.S. Voodoo Doughnuts will bring over 40 flavors, including vegan options, to the already bustling Seattle doughnut scene.