Virgin Media O2提供免费的移动数据、文本,并要求一年时间来帮助那些数据贫困的人。 Virgin Media O2 offers free mobile data, texts, and calls for a year to help those in data poverty.
Virgin Media O2向那些通过联合王国各地所有O2商店提供的国家数据库方案与数据贫困作斗争的人提供免费的移动数据、文本和12个月的电话。 Virgin Media O2 is offering free mobile data, texts, and calls for 12 months to those struggling with data poverty through its National Databank program, available at all O2 stores across the UK. 该倡议于2021年与 " 好东西基金会 " 共同发起,旨在帮助低收入个人获得基本的在线服务,并与亲人保持联系。 Launched in 2021 with the Good Things Foundation, the initiative aims to help low-income individuals access essential online services and stay connected with loved ones. 最近的研究显示,26%的低收入者为支付他们的移动电话账单而挣扎。 Recent research shows that 26% of low-income people struggle to pay their mobile phone bills. 该方案每月为SIM卡提供25GB的数据,相当于约275小时的互联网浏览。 The program provides a SIM card with 25GB of data monthly, equivalent to about 275 hours of internet browsing.