研究发现,变性妇女的受伤率是变性妇女的三倍。 Transgender women suffer injuries at triple the rate of cisgender women, study finds.
布里格姆和妇女医院进行的一项研究表明,变性妇女的受伤率,特别是头部、脸部和胸部的受伤率,远远高于变性妇女。 A study by Brigham and Women's Hospital shows that transgender women face significantly higher injury rates, particularly to the head, face, and chest, compared to cisgender women. 根据放射成像,变性妇女受伤害的可能性高出三倍,突出显示暴力风险升高。 Based on radiological imaging, transgender women were three times more likely to sustain injuries, highlighting elevated risks of violence. 研究人员希望研究结果将有助于查明高危患者,并为这一弱势群体及时提供支持和亲密伴侣暴力筛查。 Researchers hope the findings will aid in identifying at-risk patients and providing timely support and intimate partner violence screening for this vulnerable group.