Tiziana Tiziana生命科学扩大美国东北部医院的MS试验范围,旨在增加20名病人。 Tiziana Life Sciences expands MS trial at Northeast U.S. hospitals, aiming to enroll 20 more patients.
Tiziana生命科学正在扩大其第二阶段临床试验,以治疗非主动性二级渐进性多发性硬化症(SPMS),将著名的美国东北部医疗机构纳入其中。 Tiziana Life Sciences is expanding its Phase 2 clinical trial for a treatment of non-active secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) to include prestigious Northeast U.S. medical institutions. 该试验使用鼻内 foralumab,旨在通过在康涅狄格州的单个地点进行所有 PET 扫描来最大限度地减少变异性。 The trial uses intranasal foralumab, and aims to minimize variability by having all PET scans conducted at a single site in Connecticut. 美国食品和药物管理局已批准另外20名患者的入诊,初步数据显示所有患者的病情改善或稳定. The FDA has approved the enrollment of 20 more patients, with initial data showing improvement or stability in all patients treated so far.