Steven Fowler被控谋杀97岁的Catherine Graff, 是她孙子策划的,后来去世。 Steven Fowler indicted for murder of 97-year-old Catherine Graff, planned by her grandson who later died.
史蒂文·福勒(Steven Fowler)是一位来自塞勒姆的30岁男子,他因97岁的Catherine Graff死亡而被控为雇用犯有严重谋杀罪,该名男子的尸体于4月25日被发现无反应。 Steven Fowler, a 30-year-old man from Salem, has been indicted for Aggravated Murder for Hire in the death of 97-year-old Catherine Graff, whose body was found unresponsive on April 25. James Hopper, Graff的53岁孙子,据称是阴谋策划者,在被起诉前自杀。 James Hopper, Graff's 53-year-old grandson and alleged plot orchestrator, took his own life before being charged. Fowler自4月26日起在监狱里没有保释金 Fowler has been in jail without bond since April 26. Botetourt县治安官办公室赞扬了侦探们为该案所做的工作。 The Botetourt County Sheriff's Office praised the detectives for their work on the case.