沙特王储启动了保护红海的计划,目的是促进可持续性和经济。 Saudi Crown Prince launches plan to protect Red Sea, aiming to boost sustainability and economy.
沙特王储宣布了一项保护红海的国家战略,旨在促进环境可持续性和经济发展。 The Saudi Crown Prince has unveiled a national strategy to protect the Red Sea, aiming to boost environmental sustainability and economic development. 到2030年,该计划力求将海洋和沿海保护区扩大至30%,并将可再生能源的使用增加到能源组合的50%。 By 2030, the plan seeks to expand marine and coastal protected areas to 30% and increase the use of renewable energy to 50% of the energy mix. 该战略包括48项支持地方社区、确保安全和改善治理的举措。 The strategy includes 48 initiatives to support local communities, ensure security, and improve governance.