拜登总统承诺在海伦飓风复苏期间向受干旱打击的31个非洲国家提供10亿美元的援助。 President Biden promises $1 billion aid to 31 African nations hit by droughts, amid Hurricane Helene recovery.
拜登总统在访问安哥拉期间向受干旱和粮食不安全影响的31个非洲国家认捐了10亿美元的人道主义援助。 President Biden pledged $1 billion in humanitarian aid to 31 African countries affected by droughts and food insecurity during his visit to Angola. 这种援助包括支助难民、境内流离失所者以及诸如医疗保健和环卫等重要服务。 This aid includes support for refugees, internally displaced persons, and vital services like healthcare and sanitation. 与此同时,北卡罗来纳州居民继续从海伦飓风中恢复过来,对行政当局的优先事项提出疑问。 Meanwhile, North Carolina residents continue to recover from Hurricane Helene, raising questions about the administration's priorities.