波特兰警方调查有关学生在一所当地高中附近被一名可疑的黑人现代Sonata跟踪的报告。 Portland police investigate reports of students being followed by a suspicious black Hyundai Sonata near a local high school.
波特兰警方正在调查Ida B附近发生的两起事件。 Portland police are investigating two incidents near Ida B. 在威尔斯高中,学生们报告说被一个可疑的黑人现代Sonata跟踪或接近。 Wells High School where students reported being followed or approached by a suspicious black Hyundai Sonata. 在11月20日的最近一次事件中,一名学生说,这辆车跟着她,一名男子盯着她。 In the latest incident on November 20, a student said the car followed her and a man stared at her. 警方增加了巡逻,并建议家长与子女讨论安全计划。 Police have increased patrols and advise parents to discuss safety plans with their children.