尼日利亚签署45年协议扩大蛇岛港口, Nigeria signs 45-year deal to expand Snake Island Port, aiming for $1B investment boost.
尼日利亚港务局(港务局)和尼日尔多克签署了45年协定,以开发和扩建蛇岛港,这是一个大型多用途设施。 Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) and Nigerdock have signed a 45-year agreement to develop and expand the Snake Island Port, a major multipurpose facility. 该项目于2023年获得联邦执行理事会批准,旨在吸引10亿美元的外国投资,加强尼日利亚在国际贸易中的作用。 Approved by the Federal Executive Council in 2023, the project aims to attract $1 billion in foreign investment, boosting Nigeria's role in international trade. 预计这一扩展将改善拉各斯港口生态系统,刺激海运业的增长。 The expansion is expected to enhance the Lagos port ecosystem and spur growth in the maritime industry.