Mecklenburg县收到550万美元的类阿片定居资金,用于治疗和预防方案。 Mecklenburg County receives $5.5 million in opioid settlement funds, aimed at treatment and prevention programs.
Mecklenburg县已经收到第二波550万美元的类阿片定居资金,使18年来的总数达到7 400万美元。 Mecklenburg County has received a second $5.5 million wave of opioid settlement funds, bringing the total to $74 million over 18 years. 这些资金将用于支付纳洛酮分配、过量后应对小组、囚犯吸毒成瘾治疗和重返方案的费用。 The funds will cover naloxone distribution, post-overdose response teams, addiction treatment for incarcerated individuals, and reentry programs. 尽管超剂量死亡率下降了14.5%,但一些委员寻求更公平的分配和结果数据。 Despite a 14.5% drop in overdose deaths, some commissioners seek more equitable distribution and outcome data.