Lionel Carter 34岁 被控组织谋杀妻子 从监狱里雇人 Lionel Carter, 34, indicted for allegedly organizing wife's murder-for-hire from prison.
威廉王子县大陪审团起诉了34岁的莱昂内尔·梅尔文·卡特三世,指控他组织谋杀他的妻子埃及·扎波拉·卡特,当时他因前一起谋杀案服刑30年。 A Prince William County grand jury has indicted Lionel Melvin Carter III, 34, for allegedly organizing the murder-for-hire of his wife, Egypt Zapporah Carter, while he was serving a 30-year sentence for a previous murder. Carter被指控雇用三人杀害妻子,妻子被发现在车里中弹。 Carter is accused of hiring three men to kill his wife, who was found shot in her car. 所有四名男子目前都被拘留。 All four men are now in custody.