卡纳塔卡要求总督重新考虑在BDA腐败案中起诉前首席部长的问题。 Karnataka seeks Governor's reconsideration on prosecuting ex-Chief Minister in BDA corruption case.
卡纳塔克政府已要求总督重新考虑起诉前首席部长B.S.的事宜。 The Karnataka government has asked the Governor to reconsider prosecuting former Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa 参与涉及班加罗尔发展局 (BDA) 的腐败案件。 Yediyurappa in a corruption case involving the Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA). 这项请求是在总督决定允许在针对现任首席部长的类似案件中进行起诉之后提出的。 This request follows the Governor's decision to allow prosecution in a similar case against the current Chief Minister. BDA案涉及对价值567克朗的公寓建筑招标的腐败指控。 The BDA case involves allegations of corruption over a tender for flat construction worth ₹567 crore. 政府辩称,没有对最初拒绝起诉提出任何理由。 The government argues that no reasons were given for the initial refusal of prosecution.