JNU认为,由于UGC NET的疏漏,韩国研究、艺术和劳动的内部博士考试由韩国国立大学审议。 JNU considers internal PhD exams for Korean studies, arts, and labor due to UGC NET omission.
贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁大学(JNU)正在探索韩国语、艺术和美学博士学位入学考试,以及劳工研究,因为这些科目没有列入UGC的全国资格考试(NET)中。 Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is exploring an in-house entrance exam for PhD admissions in Korean language, arts and aesthetics, and labor studies due to these subjects not being covered in the UGC's National Eligibility Test (NET). 该委员会由语言学院院长Shoba Sivasankaran领导,旨在决定是否可以举行内部考试或要求接受大学常委会的包容。 The committee, led by School of Language Dean Shoba Sivasankaran, aims to decide if holding in-house exams or requesting UGC inclusion is feasible. 这种不确定性可能会延长目前的入学周期,使未来的学生对其入学感到焦虑。 This uncertainty may extend the current admission cycle, leaving prospective students anxious about their admissions.