Gibson发行了Jimmy Page1969年标志性双颈吉他9,999美元的复制品,在Led Zeppelin中使用。 Gibson releases a $9,999 replica of Jimmy Page's iconic 1969 double-neck guitar used in Led Zeppelin.
Gibson发行了一本新版本的Led Zeppelin的Jimmy Page的标志性的1969 EDS-1275 双圈吉他,在《通往天堂的阶梯》等著名歌曲中使用。 Gibson has released a new replica of Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page's iconic 1969 EDS-1275 Doubleneck guitar, used in famous songs like "Stairway to Heaven." 这款被称为 Jimmy Page EDS-1275 Doubleneck VOS '69 Cherry 的“有效克隆”是使用 3D 扫描技术和 Page 输入制作的,售价为 9,999 美元,而 3 月份的限量收藏版售价为 50,000 美元。 Known as the Jimmy Page EDS-1275 Doubleneck VOS '69 Cherry, this "effective clone" was crafted using 3D scanning technology with input from Page and is priced at $9,999, compared to a $50,000 limited collector's edition from March. 吉他现在可供订购 The guitar is now available for order.