前爱尔兰曲棍球运动员Catriona Carey面临欺诈和洗钱指控,超过60万欧元被盗。 Former Irish hockey player Catriona Carey faces fraud and money laundering charges over €600,000 theft.
前爱尔兰曲棍球运动员Catriona Carey和两名男性合伙人正面临洗钱和欺诈指控,指控数十人盗窃约60万欧元。 Former Irish hockey player Catriona Carey and two male associates are facing money laundering and fraud charges, with allegations involving the theft of around €600,000 from dozens of people. 指控源于对Carey设在联合王国的公司Careysfort资产财产有限公司的调查。 Carey在法庭出庭时身着海军诉讼案,获得保释和法律援助。 The charges stem from an investigation into Carey's UK-based company, Careysfort Asset Estates Ltd. Carey, who appeared in court wearing a navy suit, was granted bail and legal aid. 本案预定由陪审团审判。 The case is scheduled for trial before a jury.