Excellon Resources公司以3.79亿加元购买秘鲁的Mallay银矿,目的是到2025年年中重新启动银矿生产。 Excellon Resources acquires Peru's Mallay Silver Mine for C$3.79M, aiming to restart silver production by mid-2025.
Excellon Resources Inc.,一家加拿大采矿公司,已获得379万科多巴元购买Mallay Silver矿和秘鲁附近的Tres Cerros Gold-Silver勘探项目。 Excellon Resources Inc., a Canadian mining company, has secured C$3.79 million to acquire the Mallay Silver Mine and nearby Tres Cerros Gold-Silver Exploration Project in Peru. 该公司的目标是在2025年年中之前重新启动Mallay矿的银矿生产。 The company aims to restart silver production at the Mallay mine by mid-2025. 此前由Buenaventura经营的该矿在2013年至2017年期间平均每年生产130万盎司银。 Previously operated by Buenaventura, the mine produced an average of 1.3 million ounces of silver annually between 2013 and 2017.