Everest Medicines 的新药在治疗肾脏疾病方面显示出前景,并取得了积极的试验结果。 Everest Medicines' new drug shows promise in treating kidney disease with positive trial results.
Everest Medicines 报告了 EVER001 的 1b/2a 期试验的积极初步结果,是一种用于原发性膜性肾病 (pMN) 的新型 BTK 抑制剂。 Everest Medicines has reported positive preliminary results from a Phase 1b/2a trial of EVER001, a new BTK inhibitor for primary membranous nephropathy (pMN). 在试验中,81.8%的低剂量病人和85.7%的高剂量病人实现了临床缓解,所有高剂量病人到第24周都实现了免疫恢复。 In the trial, 81.8% of low-dose patients and 85.7% of high-dose patients achieved clinical remission, with all high-dose patients achieving immunological remission by week 24. EVER001的耐受性很好,没有显著的副作用. EVER001 was well-tolerated, showing no significant side effects. 这种药物有希望作为治疗这种肾脏病的现有疗法的更安全的替代方法。 The drug holds promise as a safer alternative to existing treatments for this kidney disease.